This crime against conscience, this crime against humanity, this crime against the most fundamental principles of international community, against the norm of the international community, this matters to us. 这种违反良心的罪行,这种反人性的罪行,这种违反国际社会最根本的原则、违反国际社会规范的罪行,对我们非同小可。
We sympathize with our sister Aisha and call this atrocious act a crime against humanity and against Shariate law. 我们同情爱莎姐妹的遭遇,认定这一凶残的行径是对人类和沙利亚法的践踏。
Apartheid is a crime against humanity; 种族隔离是危害人类的罪行;
Genocide is considered a crime against humanity. 激情犯罪,一时冲动而犯下的罪,情杀。
To put it mildly, [ converting food crops to biofuels] is foolish, to put it strongly it is a crime against humanity, Mr Chidambaram said. 奇丹巴拉姆表示:说得温和一点,(将粮食作物转化为生物燃料的做法)是愚蠢的,说得重一些,这是对人类的犯罪。
He said possessing nuclear weapons is a "crime against humanity" and is a constant stimulus to other states to try to acquire them. 他说,拥有核武器是「对抗人类的罪行」,亦不断刺激其他国家设法获得之。
Some scientists, doctors and legal experts have even asked the United Nations to seek an advisory opinion from the World Court declaring human cloning to be a crime against humanity. 一些科学家、医生和法律专家甚至曾要求联合国寻求咨询意见,宣布克隆人是一项反人类的罪行。
He committed a crime against humanity. 他对人类犯下滔天罪行。
He described coalition air strikes as a crime against humanity. 他称联军的空袭是违反人道主义的罪行。
The recruitment system of the central government has been correctly referred to as a crime against humanity. 谈及中央政府的征兵系统,通常认为他们是违反人性的罪恶行为。
Genocide, war crime, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity belong to the situations threatening human security, so international society must provide protection in the framework of UN. 灭绝种族、战争罪、族裔清洗和危害人类罪之害属于威胁人类安全的事项,因此,国际社会必须在联合国及其集体安全制度的框架范围内提供保护的责任。
The ICC has jurisdiction over the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression, whose evolution, definition and debates about the crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC are dealt with. 该章论述了国际刑事法院管辖权范围内的灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪、战争罪和侵略罪的历史演变、定义和争议等问题。